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What to Write in a Birthday Card Message

Get insight into what you should write on birthday card messages.

Gift-giving is never an easy task, no matter who the person is. And when you’re expected to give a birthday gift to a friend or loved one, you’ll probably end up wondering, “What should I get them? How much should I spend? What if they don’t like the gift?” Then, even if you’ve picked out their gift, you still have to write a birthday card message for them – and we all know this can be another great stressor in itself! Figuring out what to say can be dependent on your relationship with the person that’s celebrating their birthday, but no matter what, you will always want to make them feel cared for and loved on their special day.

Once you’ve chosen the right gift (psst, go with some birthday flowers from one of our fine local florists!), and have picked out a card that fits their personality, then it’s time to write the best birthday card message you can. Of course, since this is a personal message directly aimed toward a single person, you’ll want to gear your message in some way specifically for them, perhaps including an inside-joke or an ode to your relationship. You also will want to choose between whether this message should be heartfelt or sincere, or else perhaps even funny or cute. To give you just a bit of encouragement and set you on the right path to writing your special birthday message to a friend or loved one, below you’ll find a set of messages you may want to incorporate into your card. In our examples below, we’ve opted to gear the messages toward a friend, but feel free to use our examples and reconfigure them to fit your own relationship. And while we may say “friend” or “best friend” in the examples, it is also good to replace this and directly mention the person by name!

Example Birthday Card Messages:

• “Your friendship means the world to me. I hope you have a great day, and wanted to wish you a very happy birthday!”
• “You are such a beautiful person inside and out and I appreciate you so much. Happy birthday!”
• “While I believe you deserve the world and more, here’s a much smaller gift that I could afford instead. Happy birthday!”
• “Happy birthday to you, my best friend. I hope you have a day that’s as amazing as you are.”
• “Thank you for being such a great friend. I appreciate you more every year. Happy birthday!”

These are, of course, only a handful of great birthday card messages you could write for your friend, loved one or colleague. We encourage you to build off of these and personalize the message further, so they know your message comes from the heart! Get a great gift of birthday flowers from a local florist near you with our directory, and feel free to learn more with us, including which flowers correspond with which birth month, and discover what the most romantic flowers are.